Auto Insurance Articles

IMPORTANT Message to our Valued Customers

Please contact your auto insurance company immediately.  Don’t wait and say, “I will do it tomorrow.” Do this now.   Ask them this extremely important question: Am I entitled to new original equipment parts on my vehicle? Or in other words, if my vehicle is...

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Limits of Liability

INSURANCE LIMITS OF LIABILITY   YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. You go out and spend thousands of dollars for that perfect automobile you have always wanted. You research and checkout all the models you are interested in and choose your dream car. Your dream car has...

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‘They are not on our list’

Absolutely correct… Crawford’s Auto Center, Inc., is not on any insurance company’s list because we will not jeopardize your family’s safety just so the insurance company can save money! Perception is NOT reality. Our customers hear statements like, “They are not on...

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Shopping for Cheaper Auto Insurance?

On a regular basis our customers tell us they have been searching for cheaper auto insurance or have purchased a cheaper brand of insurance. These customer comments are concerning because a cheaper insurance policy may create problems for you and your automobile...

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Limits of Liability?

HOW WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR DAMAGED VEHICLE REPAIRED?   The majority of our customers tell us they would like to have their vehicle repaired based on the original manufacturer’s guidelines using the original manufacturer’s parts. This makes sense to us and it is the...

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