Please contact your auto insurance company immediately. Don’t wait and say, “I will do it tomorrow.” Do this now. Ask them this extremely important question: Am I entitled to new original equipment parts on my vehicle? Or in other words, if my vehicle is...
OEM & Aftermarket Parts Articles
Have You Ever Wondered Why Crash Parts Are Called “CRASH” Parts?
“Crash part” means a replacement for any of the non-mechanical sheet metal or plastic parts which generally constitute the exterior of a motor vehicle including inner and outer panels. The purpose of the above explanation is to explain to the consumer what they...
What Does OEM Mean to You?
OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufactured – When people in the automotive business world use the letters OEM they are talking about the entity that designed, created, produced, and made the product available to the public. The importance of knowing and...
All About Aftermarket/Imitation Crash Parts
Regularly, our customers ask us how aftermarket (A/M) car parts are different than OEM parts – here’s our answer: Aftermarket parts ARE... Þ NOT manufactured by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Þ NOT covered by your original manufacturer’s warranty....
Consumers Beware – Aftermarket Parts
IS YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY LOOKING AFTER YOU, OR JUST TRYING TO SAVE MONEY? Maybe you are not sure what the difference is between an OEM and an Aftermarket part. An OEM part is an “Original Equipment Manufacturer” part. It is the part that the original manufacturer...
Genuine OEM is Best
Genuine Original Equipment Manufactured [OEM] Automobile Parts are the best way to repair your crashed automobile or truck. This is why… When you shop for an automobile, truck, or for that matter any other well known product that you use on a regular basis, you go...
What is an Aftermarket Crash Part?
Aftermarket crash parts—also referred to as “non-OEM parts,” “imitation parts” or “copy parts”—are produced and supplied by companies other than the original equipment (OE) manufacturer; in other words, non-OEM collision parts. Aftermarket collision parts—including...