Consumer Resources
Your insurance company is required to pay the amount necessary to return the motor vehicle to its same condition just prior to the damage in question. At your request, you may obtain information from the insurance company regarding repair facilities within a reasonable distance of where the motor vehicle is located and where work will be performed in accordance with the written appraisal. You are not required to use any specific repair shop.
Excerpted from “Your Guide to Auto Insurance Premiums” – Page 3
Pennsylvania Insurance Department
If the vehicle you own has been damaged, the decision of where the vehicle is to be repaired is yours. No insurer, adjuster, appraiser or agent shall require that repairs be made at a specific repair facility.
Excerpted from “Insurance Tips for Pennsylvania Consumers” – Page 2
Pennsylvania Insurance Department
PCTGNEWS – Youtube
Check out PCTG’s Youtube channel for more consumer information.
Direct Repair Programs and Repair Guarantees: Steering In Disguise?
Direct Repair Programs and Your Vehicle
PA Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Appraiser Act
PCTG recently met with the Pa Department of Insurance (POI) to discuss compliance of the PA Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Appraiser Act. Our industry is dealing with insurance companies refusing to send out appraisers for a physical inspection on consumers’ vehicles. Many companies are forcing the consumer to use the photo estimating process which is not helping consumers with the needed repairs. The DOI agrees with PCTG’s complaints and interprets the law as we do. If a consumer requests a physical inspection the insurance company must comply.