Shopping for Auto Insurance?
October 25, 2016

It Makes Good Sense To Call Your Body Shop and Find Out Which Insurance Companies Will Pay For Proper Parts and Repair Procedures Before You Purchase Your Policy.

Customers, friends and relatives often ask us which insurance company is the most responsible when paying for collision coverage. A body shop has to deal with pretty much all of them so you can bet we have a good idea which company you should be buying your coverage from. This article is not written to promote one or two companies over the others but we can make a few suggestions that will help you choose an insurer that will be responsive to your auto repair needs.

  1. We do not recommend television and radio commercials as good methods to use while shopping for insurance. It’s all propaganda and slogans such as “Like A Good Neighbor” and “You’re in Good Hands” that mean nothing when you look at a company’s reputation for paying claims. Speak with several insurance agents and ask them right up front if they can spend time with you while you are shopping for automobile coverage. Choose one or two and expect a personal appointment where you can sit and discuss your options before you buy.
  2. Ask the agent for a copy of the auto insurance policy (contract) before you purchase the policy. If they provide you with a policy take it home and study the language, especially the Limits Of Liability, before you purchase it. If you are unsure what to look for bring the policy to us and we will sit with you and explain the positives and the negatives. If they do not have a copy of the policy tell them you will not purchase coverage without reading the policy first. You would not buy any other product without physically inspecting it. Why would you purchase insurance without fully understanding the product?

There are several questions that you should ask before purchasing a policy, here are a few:

  • If you’re involved in an accident will you have the right to choose the repair facility of your choice? Pennsylvania State Law protects your right to choose, however, many insurance companies will attempt to steer you into their network of repair shops.
  • Can you expect new original manufacturer (OEM) parts replaced on your vehicle in the event of an accident? This is important because most policies will dictate the use of alternative / imitation automobile parts. FYI – There are insurance companies that will offer you an OEM parts endorsement that we highly recommend.
  • If your windshield or other glass is broken can you expect Original Vehicle Manufactured OEM replacement glass?
  • If your vehicle requires towing or accident recovery services from an accident or a mechanical breakdown, will you be covered for towing and/or road service?
  • If you are involved in an accident and the vehicle is declared a total loss – will your automobile settlement be based on Pennsylvania State Consumer Protection Law or the insurance industry controlled data?
  • Will your auto policy include car rental/transportation reimbursement that will provide a comparable vehicle while your vehicle is under repair?
  • Be aware of discounts and gimmicks such as the Full Tort and Limited Tort options the agent may be pushing onto you. Remember Full Tort allows you to file a claim for pain and suffering whereas Limited Tort limits your ability to collect for personal injury.
  • In the event of a loss will you be entitled to a physical hands–on inspection by a PA State Licensed Appraiser versus the now popular photo-estimate?

These questions are important to ask an insurance company before you purchase their products. Do NOT be afraid to demand a pro-consumer automobile policy. As a policyholder you are entitled to have your vehicle returned to pre-loss/pre-accident condition. If you need our help, please feel free to call our office at anytime. The insurance coverage you purchase helps us return your damaged vehicle back to its original condition.